Posting an ad on secondbd is quick and easy! For this, click on the yellow colored Advertise button and follow the instructions.
If you are not logged in, the first step to posting an ad is to log in.
Your ad will go live after being reviewed
4. How can I set a new password on Secondbd
To set a new password on secondbd please log in to your account, then go to the "Settings or about Us page" and enter the new password.
If you have forgotten your Bikroy password, you can:
After going to the login page, click on the "Forgot your password" link.
Click on any ad, then click on "Edit Ad" or "Remove Ad" and finally "Forgot your password?" Click on the link.
If you have created an account through Facebook, Or gmail you will not have a secondbd password. In that case, you can log into your account through Facebook or gmail without a password.